Kentucky Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Kentucky Association of Extension 4-H Agents

Committee Descriptions

Committee Descriptions

Committee Descriptions

KAE4-HA Happenings


  • April 16-19, 2023, PILD Conference (Public Issues Leadership Development), Arlington, VA
  • April 25-27, 2023, KAE4-HA Conference, Shelbyville, Ky
  • October 8-13, 2023, NAE4-HYDP Conference, Pittsburgh, PA

National Member Log In

Committee Descriptions

Executive Committee - The executive committee shall consist of the president, president elect, vice president, secretary, treasurer and immediate past president. When it is not feasible to convene the entire board, the executive committee shall have and may exercise the power of the board in the management of the business and affairs of the association. Chairperson of the executive committee shall be the president.


Benefits – This committee keeps the membership apprised of any major changes in university benefits and any dates of open enrollment for employees.


Budget - The budget committee shall prepare the new budget annually. This committee should also audit the treasures books. Each committee, including the sub committees, may submit a line item budget request.


Conference Planning - This committee shall be chaired by the president elect and will be responsible for the annual conference.


Hospitality - This committee has a very important role at our annual meetings: their primary job is to welcome new agents and make them feel that they are an important part of our team. This committee should also work with the Program Committee in planning social events for the annual meetings.


Legislative Relations – This committee has the task of encouraging 4-H professionals to advocate for the voice, influence and decision making authority of young people. The committee’s main task is to plan the Capital Experience each year and send out information to agents in a timely manner.


Life Member – This committee disseminates information to any retirees, life members, or their families regarding association benefits and other information that is important for them to know.


Member Recognition - The purpose of this committee shall be the marketing, selection and administration of KAE4-HA member recognition programs. Recognition programs will include the: 25 Year, Achievement in Service, American Spirit Award, Communicator Awards, Distinguished Service Award, Educational Technology Awards, Natural Resources/Environmental Stewardship Award, Outstanding Program Award, Professional Improvement Award, Public Relations & Information Awards, Strengthening our Capacity to Care Award, Scholarship and Study Tours, Search of Excellence in Teen Programs, Tommy Bunch Memorial Awards, Youth At Risk and others as approved by the Board of Directors. The committee shall be responsible for selection and purchase of all gifts such as past presidents plaques, special recognition gifts, etc. as directed by the executive board.


Membership – This committee is chaired by the Vice President and is comprised of the Senior District Area Directors (DADs). The chair is responsible for disseminating membership information and directions each year. The DADs are responsible for keeping their respective districts informed of any action from the association board.


Nominating - The nominating committee should review the credentials of each nomination from the areas and place the most qualified (two) names whenever possible, in nomination for the various

offices at each election. In addition this committee shall nominate individuals for KAE4-HA offices and committee chairman and chairman elect.


Program Development - This committee should be aware of the numerous opportunities which are available to enhance the professionalism of the membership. They should disseminate this information, together with available scholarships, as appropriate throughout the year. This committee also relays information about the national 4-H workgroups to the membership and encourage state involvement on each group.


Policy and Resolutions -This committee should develop and review policies as well as consider submitting resolutions to the KAE4-HA Annual Meeting. This committee will also be responsible for any revisions in constitutions and by-laws.


Public Relations and Information (P.R.&I.) -The primary goals of the committee is to make available to agents 4-H public information and promotional ideas that will help their performance as professional 4-H Agents. The committee is also responsible for awarding the agent publicity award and the newspaper award.


Research & Evaluation – This committee sends out an evaluation of annual conferences as well as relays information pertaining to the evaluation and research that would be helpful for members.


State Staff – This committee is composed of any state 4-H specialists who are members of the association. This committee shares information from the State 4-H Office or the State 4-H Program Leader that may be pertinent to 4-H Youth Development agents or the association.

Contact Information