Kentucky Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Kentucky Association of Extension 4-H Agents

Officer Roles and Duties

Officer Roles and Duties

Officer Roles and Duties

KAE4-HA Happenings


  • April 16-19, 2023, PILD Conference (Public Issues Leadership Development), Arlington, VA
  • April 25-27, 2023, KAE4-HA Conference, Shelbyville, Ky
  • October 8-13, 2023, NAE4-HYDP Conference, Pittsburgh, PA

National Member Log In

PRESIDENT – Shall have the duties normally associated with the office and is recognized as the presiding officer of the association.  And shall have the power to appoint chairpersons of association standing and state committees; appoint ad hoc committees as needed; and call a special meeting of the association with the approval of the Board of Directors upon giving notice to members and specifying the purpose of the special meeting.  The President will also represent KAE4-HA on the Kentucky Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP), attend the Southern Region JCEP meeting, and other Kentucky CES meetings when called upon (e.g., State Extension Council).  The President is also responsible for coordinating a state meeting during the NAE4-HA Annual Conference and other duties as called upon at the national conference.

PRESIDENT – ELECT – Those duties normally associated with the office.  The President-Elect is the association officer who oversees the committee work of the association.  The President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of President following the KAE4-HA Annual Meeting.  The President-Elect has the power to appoint the chairperson-elects of association committees and serves as an ex-officio on the Conference Planning Committee.  The President-Elect will also represent KAE4-HA on the Kentucky Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP), attend the Southern Region JCEP meeting, and attend the PILD Conference in the year of their term even if the current year PILD is scheduled after assuming the role of President.

VICE PRESIDENT – Duties are those normally associated with the office and is recognized as the official membership recruitment and benefits officer of the association.  The Vice President also serves as the chairperson of the Membership Committee consisting of the senior Association District Directors.  The Vice President is also responsible for membership promotion, ordering member name tags, maintaining the member handbook when appropriate, and work with the Treasurer in dues collection.

SECRETARY – Duties are those normally associated with the office and is recognized as the official record-keeping officer of actions and decisions of the association.  The Secretary also represents KAE4-HA on the Kentucky Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).

TREASURER – Duties are those normally associated with the office.  The Treasurer keeps the financial records of the association; and shall be responsible for the collection of dues and payments of all bills incurred by the association.   Maintain articles of incorporation for KAE4-HA.

PAST PRESIDENT – The immediate Past President serves as chairperson of the Nominating Committee and is a member of the Board of Directors.  The Past President also represents KAE4-HA on the Kentucky Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) including fulfilling any JCEP officer responsibilities based on the January 1 rotation for that organization.  The Past President is also responsible for updating the association Policies and By-Laws with any changes made during their term as President.  The Past President also conducts the installation ceremony of the incoming Board, and the outgoing president and retiree recognition at the KAE4-HA annual meeting.

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